Saturday, December 10, 2011


We have so much to be thankful for.
Our lives are so full.
We were lucky to be able to spend Thanksgiving this year with Grams and Gramps.
They made the super-long, snowy, pass closed/pass opened 12 hour drive to Ferndale!
We loved having them!!

The girls were quite helpful when making pies.....Avery was in charge of the crust. 
Annalise got to do the pie guts.

We were able to relax and hang out all day long!!!

Dinner was yummy!!! Turkey and all the fixin's!!!

We were wishing Spokane were a little closer so that we could be with the rest of the family.

After dinner Avery and Annalise did a little "performance" for us.
Some people in the "audience" got to wear special hats. (Lucky Gramps!)

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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