Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas #1

We headed over to Spokane to celebrate Christmas with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Paul, Aunt Katrina, Bella and Elsa first.

The cousins LOVE having time together!  There is a lot of running and screaming. 
There is also a bit of quiet time together.

We celebrated Mark's birthday, too!
One more year in his 30's! Then he'll join the "farty" club! :)

I think Grandma and Grandpa secretly love all of the chaos in their house when we are all there!  It's a noisy but very happy time for us all.

We celebrated our Christmas Eve together with a yummy dinner and some Christmas caroling!

The next morning we had our Christmas celebration. 
The girls were all so patient waiting for their turn to open presents.

We had a great Christmas!

And the grand finale to Christmas....moustache tattoos from our stockings...... (Annalise was afraid she would look "not pretty", so she declined a finger tattoo.)

I think it's a good testament to the state of mind we Schneiders were in! :)
Merry Christmas!!!!

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