Sunday, July 5, 2015

A Trip to Bend, Oregon

It had been while since we had seen Marni, Kevin and their kids.
We were going to be in Sun River that following week and luckily it worked for us to 
hang with them in Bend for the 4th of July.

We hit the Bend Pet Parade in the morning!
What a show!!!
It's actually the largest parade in Bend with over 8,000 participants and spectators!
There were animals of all shapes and sizes!
Lizards, snakes, horses, cows, tortoises, and a GA-JILLION different dogs!

We had Sunny and George Washington with us....
(Luke was still at a friend's house so he missed out on the pet parade fun!)

So. Many. People.

At one point in the parade, Sunny decided to stop and do her business right there in front of some spectators.  The number of cameras that came out to take a picture of George Washington using a poop bag to pick it up was amazing! He completed his duties and took a bow!

It was already hot....after the parade, the girls were looking forward to the popsicles!

We headed over to the park for a big 4th of July art show and yard game party.
Annalise and Carly decided to give the 3-legged race a try!

The girls wanted to cool down a little after the parade and games, so we went back to the house, they got some water toys and they headed down to the park to play.
Before too long, they returned to ask for money.
The neighbors were selling festive cupcakes.....
how could we resist???

Some friends of Marni and Kevin throw a HUGE annual 4th of July block party.
Literally...the whole BLOCK.
There was a food truck, an insane slip n' slide and super cool fireworks.

We had such a great time visiting and hanging out.
It felt like no time had passed at all.....
(well....except when you compare pictures of the kids from our last visit.)
Just two years ago....
And now....

Thanks for having us!!

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