Sunday, July 12, 2015

Camp Reed Drop Off Pt.1

It was a super quick turnaround....
we left Sunriver and headed back to Spokane.
Avery was off to her first week at Camp Reed the next day.
Be still my heart.
Camp Reed is the place.
Camp Reed was a huge influence on the person I/we are today.
This is where I met my best friend.
Flea and I were giddy taking Avery to Camp.
Both girls were probably SICK of hearing all of our stories.
Good memories.
So many.
From the first time I went to Camp (I was 7) and cried the whole week....
to the final week I knew Flea and I would be there.
Until now.
Full circle.

Avery wasn't nervous.
She did a full week of Girl Scout Camp last year.
She was going to be in the same cabin with Emera (Guac's daughter).
Did I mention we were giddy???????
I can't WAIT to hear all about her week.
I can hardly stand it.

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