Thursday, July 16, 2015

Camp Reed Drop Off Pt.2

After Avery's drop off, Annalise got a little taste of the "only child" life!
 While I went out to Deer Park to help my Dad go through some boxes and things, 
(the sunflowers were back in a different field this summer!)

Annalise and Mark went on a cool walk on the Spokane river in Riverfront Park 
with Grandma and Grandpa.

And had some time to have ALL of our attention!

On Thursday it was Annalise's turn for drop off.
Camp Reed has a "mini-camp" for kids who aren't old enough to do a full week of camp.
Annalise and Skyla (Guac's youngest) decided they would do it together.
The girls also thought it would be easier if their sisters were already there.
Annalise was SUPER excited!
And a little nervous....

We had a chance to see Avery briefly (she's having the TIME OF HER LIFE!!!)
and left Annalise in good hands.  Although I must say I did have a little moment of Mommy worry.
That didn't last super long....we were off to Priest Lake with Guac and Carisa for a few days!!!!!
A kid-free vacation....can't wait!

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