Thursday, July 2, 2015

Off to Spokane

Once July hit, we were off and running!
We started our journey with a trek over to Spokane.
The plan was to visit family and drop off Charlie before heading down to Bend and Sun River.
Our first stop was at Lori and Jeff's house.
It had been a while and they were all surprised at how TALL Avery had gotten!
Yep...taller than Mallory now!

We hung out and caught up....had some yummy pizza and just enjoyed being together!
After dinner, Lori introduced us to the Papa Murphy's S'mores pizza....whaaaaaatttttt????

It got a thumbs up from Annalise who was quite obviously in S'mores heaven!

 Wish we were closer....

We also wanted to make sure we got to visit with the Schneider cousins!
We went up to Grandma and Grandpa's house the next night for dinner.
The girls entertained each other....and us with a stunning dance/gymnastics/cheer performance.

And there's always time for pictures with Grandma and Grandpa!

It was a quick stop this time.
We were off to Bend and Sun River, then back to Spokane for a week while the girls are at Camp Reed!
Love our family time......

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