Monday, August 22, 2011

Fort Flagler

We left LaPush and headed for a FULL week at Ft. Flagler.
This trip always seems to be a highlight for us.  We just LOVE Ft. Flagler!
This year was no different.
According to the camp hosts, we chose the BEST weather week of the summer to be there!
It was amazing!!!

This was our view from the campsite all week.....
Mt. Baker was stunning!

And when you go to the other side of the Fort, you have a view of both Mt. Baker to the north AND Mt. Ranier to the south.  This is Gramps and Mark's salmon fishing spot.  Pretty nice view while you're fishing!

Mt. Baker

Mt. Rainier

Annalise FINALLY got the chance to ride her "doodle bug" outside!  She can finally steer the thing, so Mark told her we could take it and she could ride it around Ft. Flagler.  Unfortunately the novelty wore off quickly.  It was fun for a bit, but several times I ended up carrying the thing back to the campsite with her running ahead of me.  I think it frustrated her that it didn't go as fast as Avery's bike.  Avery was off and riding the minute we got there.

We spent more time on the beach.  This one is a little more rocky, but still proved to have LOTS to look at and do! 

Avery was excited to try fishing off the beach.  Turns out the rocks and seaweed weren't quite as much fun as casting into the river!

Annalise even gave fishing off the beach a try with her Barbie fishing pole.  That held her attention for one cast and reel in.  After that it was back to poking things with sticks and digging in the sand.

There were a couple of nights that got a little windy and chilly so we skipped the campfire and played "Go Fish" with Grams and Gramps in the trailer.

There were SEVERAL nice campfire and sunset nights though....

This could possibly be my most favorite picture of the summer.....
Sigh.  I adore these girls.

We also took an afternoon and went to the Pt. Townsend Marine Science Center.  It's on the pier at Fort Worden.  They had some cool touch tanks with lots of things to see and feel!

I somehow caught Annalise's expression when she touched a type of sea urchin who coiled back into it's tube when she touched it!

Auntie Robin and Uncle Geoff (and Abbey, too) came to camp with us for a couple of nights.

They came on the official tour of the Fort Batteries with us.
The girls were sure troopers.  Our tour guide knew an awful lot about the history of Ft. Flagler.
In fact, he knew enough to keep the tour going for 2 1/2 hours.  I think we all learned a lot.

Annalise was ready for the portion of the tour where you go underground!

Beautiful view of the "triangle of fire".  Fort Worden, Fort Casey and Fort Flagler.

We ate a LOT of good food....

We had lots of fun playing on the playground, too!

We even made it to the Saturday night concert.  The Kitsap Chordsmen.

I must admit....they weren't quite as energetic and entertaining as some of the past concerts have been.
They pepped it up a bit after intermission and their costume change.

Oh well.  At least the company was good! :)

When we got back to the campsite, there was a little excitement.  People were all a buzz about the "radar dome" they were transporting back out to sea.  It was kind of crazy to watch!

All in all, we had a WONDERFUL trip to Fort Flagler.

We can't wait for another adventure there next year!!

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