Monday, August 22, 2011

La Push

It was the beginning of our annual camping trip with Grams and Gramps.
We started with 4 nights on the Quileute Indian Reservation in LaPush, Washington.

We got to camp right on the beach. 
There were TONS of surfers we could watch right from our campsites. 

The weather was BEAUTIFUL!  We couldn't wait to get a little more beach time!

Avery got to spend an entire day fishing the rivers with her Daddy and Gramps.  The kid was in heaven!  The boys finally had to call it....she was NOT ready to come back to camp!

She IS her father's daughter!!!!

They had a great time, but came back empty-handed.  She now TRULY knows the saying, "that's why they call it fishing and not catching". 

We even had a couple of great sunsets during our time out there....


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