Friday, August 5, 2011

Happy Camper's Club 2011

It was a change of venue this year for the Happy Camper's Club.
Because of a mudslide and talks of Lake Pearrygin being like "chocolate milk", we decided it might be a good time to try a new camping spot.  We wanted to stay in Eastern Washington and settled on Sun Lakes.  The campground wasn't ideal, but we still had a GREAT time!

One of the highlights of the Happy Camper's Club has got to be the themed dinners.  Each family prepares a meal for the whole group.  This year the number reached 18!!!!
Our first night was the "All-American BBQ".  The McCormacks hooked us up with burgers, dogs and some awesome potato salad. The kids were anxiously awaiting dinner in the back of the truck!

The next morning the boys were excited to get out and go golfing.....

And the kids were anxious to get to the pool or the lake. Any water source was much needed in the heat of the day!

The second night was a luau.  The Schneiders and the Nelsons teamed up for this one.

After dinner began the dance-off.  Grown-ups vs. kids.
The kids won.

The judges votes were unanimous.

There was a bit of a weather change for the next day. A crazy storm blew in just about the time we sat down to decorate this year's t-shirts.  Wind, rain, thunder, lightning.

In fact, the wind gusts got to be so strong, one sent a rubber raft flying towards the kids and while we were trying to catch it from getting to them, another gust came up and tore an awning pole off Anne and Allan's trailer, sending the awning up onto the trailer's roof.  SHEESH!!!!!   Needless to say...we sent the kids inside and were a little gun shy after that.

The weather got everyone in the mood for the Sutherland's Somalia (pirate)-themed  dinner!
And in fact, the wind and rain subsided and it turned out to be a LOVELY evening!
Everyone got their pirate name tag and an eye-patch.  Arrrrgh.

The wind returned throughout the night and in fact, Robin ended up sleeping in the car because the tent was about to take flight.  Thankfully the wind stopped and we had another great day.  It was pedicure day!!! :)  The kids gave and received LOTS of awesome pedis!

Our pedis got everyone in the mood for a romantic Italian-themed Erlandson-Corning dinner.

People started getting creative with their red scarf placement.
In fact, Pete looked a little more gangster than Italian.

He even showed us his moves....

Kim and Stacy were a little Aunt Jemima.

Thank goodness Mark was keeping it real....

It was another WONDERFUL camping adventure.
One that we look forward to all year long!
Thanks for a great week Happy Campers!!!!!

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