Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Annalise!!!!

Happy 4th Birthday Annalise!!!!
I'm not quite sure how it's possible that you are 4?! Wow!!

Annalise woke up with a plan in mind.
She wanted bacon, sausage, french fries and vanilla yogurt for breakfast.
Unfortunately I could only deliver on the bacon.  So we settled for bacon and cheese omlets instead.
We tried for her second request.....
a trip to Ferndale's Saturday Market in the Jeep.
Here we go.....the girls are buckled in....

Another beautiful day in Ferndale!!!  Perfect day for a trip to the river and the Farmer's Market.

Yummy honey sticks!!!

Next up on the birthday girl's agenda.....a picnic at Hovander park!

And a climb up the tower!!!

Annalise's friend Allie and family came for her requested BBQ dinner.
Chicken, green salad, rolls and pasta salad.

Then it was time for the rainbow chip cake with VANILLA frosting.

Happy Birthday big kid.   
 We love your sense of humor and ability to make up and sing a song about anything.
You know exactly what you want and challenge us often!
Your smile lights up a room and you are such a kind-hearted girl.
We love you BIG bunches Annalisee.  Happy Birthday honey. xoxooxo

Happy 8th Birthday Avery!!!!!!

For her birthday this year, Avery wanted to have a sleepover with a few girls. 
They came over on Friday after school.  It was a BEAUTIFUL afternoon!!
The girls ran around and then decided to settle down and do some nail painting!!!

Avery and Bailey

Kaelee, Hannah and Annalise

After pizza, Avery wanted to do "build-your-own" ice cream sundaes.
The girls loaded on the toppings......

Then it was time to DANCE!!!!  The girls spent some time playing Just Dance 3 on the Wii.

Then they made their beds and snuggled up for a movie....

The girls were up early for their soccer games on Avery's ACTUAL birthday!
After opening a couple of presents....we made some cupcakes and headed to the game.
A great treat after a hard game!!

For her special birthday dinner she chose to go to the Olive Garden.

And her choice for dessert????
A Baskin-Robbins grasshopper pie.  Yum!!!!

A special day for a VERY special 8-year old.
We love you so very much Avery!
Happy 8th Birthday honey. xoxoxoxo

Friday, May 25, 2012

Avery's First (SEVEN) Fish

Another highlight of Grams and Gramps' trip to Ferndale was a fishing trip Avery took with her Daddy and Gramps.  They loaded up the little boat and took it to Lake Padden in Bellingham.  Avery was excited to do some lake fishing....she'd done a little on the river but had never caught anything.

She was on fire!!!!!

This was her first....
There were six to follow.  They only liked Avery.  No fish for Gramps and only one for Daddy.
Way to go Kid!!! :)

Even Annalise wanted in on the fish-holding action.....

So Mark cleaned them and put them on the BBQ.....

And how did the catch of the day taste???
Well....the first couple of bites got the thumbs up.  After that....not so much.

Annalise LOVED it!!  She ate a whole fish and asked for more the next morning at breakfast!

Congratulations Avery!!!  You've made your Dad and Gramps proud!!!! :)

Spring Visit

Grams and Gramps came over to cheer on Avery at her big show. 
They also gave the girls their birthday presents a bit early. :)

Annalise waited patiently--since Avery's birthday comes first, she opened first.

Seattle Sounders GEAR!!!!!  A charm bracelet.....

And a jersey!!!!

Annalise's stuff for catching bugs AND crafting!!!
Thanks Grams and Gramps!!!!

 She couldn't wait to get started!!!!

We always try and get a trip to the beach in for Grams!!!
Annalise and I took her for a picnic lunch.  It was a BEAUTIFUL day.  Just a little breezy.

It was great seeing them!!!  Wish family were a little closer and we could see each other more often.  But I'll take visits like this any day!!! :)