Friday, May 25, 2012

Avery's First (SEVEN) Fish

Another highlight of Grams and Gramps' trip to Ferndale was a fishing trip Avery took with her Daddy and Gramps.  They loaded up the little boat and took it to Lake Padden in Bellingham.  Avery was excited to do some lake fishing....she'd done a little on the river but had never caught anything.

She was on fire!!!!!

This was her first....
There were six to follow.  They only liked Avery.  No fish for Gramps and only one for Daddy.
Way to go Kid!!! :)

Even Annalise wanted in on the fish-holding action.....

So Mark cleaned them and put them on the BBQ.....

And how did the catch of the day taste???
Well....the first couple of bites got the thumbs up.  After that....not so much.

Annalise LOVED it!!  She ate a whole fish and asked for more the next morning at breakfast!

Congratulations Avery!!!  You've made your Dad and Gramps proud!!!! :)

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