Monday, May 21, 2012

Mother's Tea

One of the most lovely traditions at Christ Lutheran Preschool is the Mother's Tea.
The kids practice songs and make gifts for weeks ahead of time.  It's an agonizing secret-keeping time for the kids.  For us Moms who have been there's not really much of a surprise.  BUT....Annalise REALLY wanted to tell me what she had been doing and making at school for me.  "This secret is just sooooo hard to keep Mommy!!!!", she said.
I told her...."Well Annalise, maybe you could tell Daddy all about the secret.  That way you aren't keeping this secret anymore and you won't let me know what it is either."
So she did.  That seemed to help.

It was just as lovely as I remembered.  The first time I was at the Mother's Tea, Annalise was there, too....sort of! :)

Annalise showed me in to our seats....

Then could FINALLY reveal her LOVELY gift!!! :)

Henry and Irene were there, too!
Had to get a picture with our "daytime mommy"! :)

We got to enjoy our fruit, muffins and tea before the kids all took the stage.

I love these songs.....

We also took the opportunity to get pictures with these AMAZING teachers!!! 
We love these ladies!!!

Mrs. Johnson

Mrs. Eggink

Mrs. Patty

I feel so well loved and appreciated as a Mom!
Thanks Annalisee.....I love you very much and am PROUD to be your Mommy.

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