Friday, May 25, 2012

Spring Visit

Grams and Gramps came over to cheer on Avery at her big show. 
They also gave the girls their birthday presents a bit early. :)

Annalise waited patiently--since Avery's birthday comes first, she opened first.

Seattle Sounders GEAR!!!!!  A charm bracelet.....

And a jersey!!!!

Annalise's stuff for catching bugs AND crafting!!!
Thanks Grams and Gramps!!!!

 She couldn't wait to get started!!!!

We always try and get a trip to the beach in for Grams!!!
Annalise and I took her for a picnic lunch.  It was a BEAUTIFUL day.  Just a little breezy.

It was great seeing them!!!  Wish family were a little closer and we could see each other more often.  But I'll take visits like this any day!!! :)

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