Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Annalise!!!!

Happy 4th Birthday Annalise!!!!
I'm not quite sure how it's possible that you are 4?! Wow!!

Annalise woke up with a plan in mind.
She wanted bacon, sausage, french fries and vanilla yogurt for breakfast.
Unfortunately I could only deliver on the bacon.  So we settled for bacon and cheese omlets instead.
We tried for her second request.....
a trip to Ferndale's Saturday Market in the Jeep.
Here we go.....the girls are buckled in....

Another beautiful day in Ferndale!!!  Perfect day for a trip to the river and the Farmer's Market.

Yummy honey sticks!!!

Next up on the birthday girl's agenda.....a picnic at Hovander park!

And a climb up the tower!!!

Annalise's friend Allie and family came for her requested BBQ dinner.
Chicken, green salad, rolls and pasta salad.

Then it was time for the rainbow chip cake with VANILLA frosting.

Happy Birthday big kid.   
 We love your sense of humor and ability to make up and sing a song about anything.
You know exactly what you want and challenge us often!
Your smile lights up a room and you are such a kind-hearted girl.
We love you BIG bunches Annalisee.  Happy Birthday honey. xoxooxo

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