Sunday, May 20, 2012

Pioneer Park

I've always known what a cool place Pioneer Park is in Ferndale.
I love the time we spend there during the Olde Fashioned Christmas.
And I've always heard from our second grade teachers about what a cool field trip they get to take each year to learn more about the pioneers in Ferndale.
Avery has ALWAYS asked for me to go on a field trip with her.  Unfortunately, the days haven't always coincided with days that worked with my own school schedule.  This year, they did!!!!!  I was able to take a personal day and go with her second grade class to Pioneer Park.
It was AWESOME!!!  One of the best field trips I've been on!!!

We started off in one of the houses learning how to make candles....

The kids did a great job listening to directions and had fun making their own candles!!
They also toured the house and learned more about what it was like to live in the pioneer days....they did NOT think the chamber pot sounded very appealing!!

Then we headed over to the "Jenni House" where the girls and boys were separated.  Girls inside the house to do the baking and cleaning.....

Boys outside to do the wood cutting and "shake" making.....

Then it was on to the post office.
The kids each got to try out the cancelling machine....and hear about the Pony Express.  It took a long time to get the mail to Ferndale!!!

Then it was off to the one-room school house.
School was important....and we found the rules to be a bit different then than they are now.....

The teacher had to invite them in.....

Look at these awesome students....sitting quietly....ready to learn!!!!

They each got to try their hand writing with a quill's MUCH harder than it looks!!

The day ended with a few songs and some fresh baked rolls in the church.....
It was a great day!!!  I'm so glad I was able to go along this time!!!

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